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Generic Remote Control performance


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-04-30



It seems that there is approx 1 second elapsed between issuing RequestGenericCommand(), and the onGenericCommandFinished() handler firing to confirm success. I've seen this in testing both my own application, and with the ANTPluginSampler.

This seems a bit slow - is it expected? (Am looking at the scenario of repeatedly transmitting commands while a button is being held down in my app).

Thanks in advance,

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


1s is somewhat expected for the current implementation. The message period of the remote control protocol is only 4Hz, and the way the messaging code for that plugin is set up it waits to see the first message before sending, then sends on the next message plus retries, so it sounds about right to hit ~0.5-1s for the message to be sent and the response processed by your app.

The protocol itself would allow up to 4Hz, but the current implementation doesn't have a way to set that up right now. What is your target device and use-case in this scenario?      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-04-30


Thanks Shane,

My target is a desktop trainer application. I recently added ANT+ remote control support to GoldenCheetah & thought it might hit a wider user base with an accompanying Android app (no idea how many physical remotes are out there, but I suspect not too many).

This repeat rate is only an issue for increasing/decreasing the target load. Perhaps I should look at implementing burst mode support to improve this.


Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Hi Jon,
You might also look at implementing your receiver as an ANT+ FE-C trainer instead of a remote controllable device. Then you would get all the setResistance, etc. commands. Also, people could use a good FE-C display/remote app with other trainers that implement FE-C as well. https://www.thisisant.com/directory/filter/~/~/~/268|267/      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-04-30


Thanks Shane,

GoldenCheetah already has FE-C display support (as well as support for various other trainer types). Am not looking to replace any of that, this use case is just additional ways to drive the UI on the PC - rather than relying on keyboard/mouse access from the bike.

I do get what you're saying about a standalone Android FE-C display app though. Would be nice - but not something that's currently on my agenda.


Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


I mean making Golden Cheetah act as an FE-C transmitter, than you can control it from a phone app using the FE-C profile controls. Just an idea, but if you have other commands that fit naturally into remote control profile than maybe that makes more sense in your case.      


Dynastream Developer