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Cannot install FamilyPack, Keil, Msg Cannot compile SVD file(s)


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-02-06


I am trying to setup the development environment per the N5 Starter Kit User Manual but I cannot install the Nordic Semiconductor.nRF Device Family pack version 8.03 or the current version 8.3.2. I get an error message from the pack installer saying " Cannot install Pack NordicSemiconductor.nRF_DeviceFamilyPack.8.0.3: Cannot compile SVD file(s). I also get the same message for the current version 8.3.2. I saw in other postings that Keil changed their installation directory so I also removed and reinstalled into c:\Keil but this did not work too. Keil version is Lite. Any suggestions would be appreciated.      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


I've noticed this message cropping up in the latest versions of Keil as well. As long as you see that the pack has the "Remove" button, it means it did in fact install correctly.