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Fit DeviceInfo Message: descriptor can only safe on character


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2017-04-25



when I write a deviceInfo message using the java EncodeExample I can save Strings in the descriptor property of the deviceInfo message.
However if I try doing the same with my self compiled c FIT SDK (where I added some custom messages) I can only write one character into the DeviceInfo message.

Does anyone know if I can redefine the length of the descriptor in the c source code so that I can also save longer Strings in there?

Thanks for your help.      

Total Posts: 68

Joined 0


You need to set the max length of the string that you want to support in the config.csv file.

When enabling a field you usually set the value to 1, but for strings/arrays you need to set the value to the size of the array that you are using.

So in config.csv:
should be:
If you want to support a 10 character descriptor.