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Help needed with Linux SDK demo


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2019-02-07


Hello everyone,

I hope fellow Linux developers can help me. I'm trying to make the ANT-SDK_Linux_3.8.200_BETA work on my Mint 19 with a Dynastream ANTUSB2 Stick. I can compile the static library using the modifications recommended in another forum topic (using the libusb and libudev from the packages instead of compiling them), I've modified the demo to use the ANT network key, I can compile the demo, but I can't get the demo to show the data from the HRM monitor I'm using and that sends data correctly in ANT (I read them correctly with python-ant).

The symptoms are the following: when prompted, I choose USB device 0 and channel 1 (slave), then I receive the following sequence:

Setting network key…
Network key set.
Assigning channel...
Channel assigned
Setting Channel ID...
Channel ID set
Setting Radio Frequency...
Radio Frequency set
Opening channel...
Search Timeout
Channel closed
Unassigning channel..
Channel unassigned
Press enter to exit
Disconnecting module...

If anyone can help me understand why I get a EVENT_RX_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, it would be much appreciated.

As a less troublesome but still annoying aside, I've had to launch the demo with sudo to get the USB device to open, could anyone help me understand how to properly set the rights to avoid that?      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2019-02-07


Just to let you know that the problem came from bad USER_BAUDRATE and USER_RADIOFREQ parameters.