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05 February 2019 07:28 AM #16
27 February 2019 03:57 AM #17
06 October 2019 05:32 AM #18
01 March 2021 10:07 AM #19
02 January 2023 08:25 AM #20
04 April 2023 02:32 AM #21
Mr_Manatane - 01 March 2021 10:07 AMHello, I'm also running in trouble with my smartphone, a cheap one based on mediatek CPU MT6761D running android 10. As some people have faced it, ANT tester says my device is capable of the USB OTG, and every service green except the red lock attached to the ANT radio service.
As I'm reading here and there ( as examples : on this forum https:/ or https:/ or https:/ ), the problem seems global.I need some explanations to take the best appropriate action for my own case. I'm lucky enough to have a contact to the manufacturer of my phone.
And maybe if everybody in trouble takes the same action, things may change? Let's hope so
So my intent is to send the manufacturer a mail with an exhaustive description of the plot. I know well how to defend my rights, it's good that at the university we wrote papers on this topic, but I'm not sure that I remember the correct structure of the letter and comply with all the requirements.
May anybody correct the following allegations, so I don't tell any misjudgement (and misspelling)? Feel free to complement if you think it necessary.
1/ the android OS is the cause of the problem, since it doesn't include the mean to allow the ANT radio service to work;
2/ the newer versions of android OS (since 9) does not contain systematically the necessary component, which seems to be the ANT HAL service;
3/ the origin is the suppression of the ANT HAL component from the Android seems to be a consequence of misunderstanding the ANT HAL as a bloatware by some users;
4/ No answer so far from Android to request for putting again the ANT HAL.(have they been informed of the trouble?).
Thank you sincerely,