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I get a sequence error from ANT even though my code looks correct - why?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


Even though the sequence number has been correctly generated by the host processor it is still possible to get a burst fail if one of the following conditions are true.

1) ANT packets are sent too fast ignoring flow control
2) ANT packets are sent too slow, missing the burst window (including retries)

To avoid the first situation, ensure that the host processor observes flow control properly on the serial port. To avoid the second situation, ensure that the host processor can send data fast enough to supply ANT packets to feed the burst. This may include setting the appropriate baud rate and ensuring other tasks do not pre-empt communication with the serial port during a burst. Packets are burst at 300 Hz, each packet is re-tried 5 times. The host processor must be able to meet this restriction or else the burst will fail.      


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