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If my burst fails half way through a transaction, how do I safely resume?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


When resuming a burst it is important to consider the ambiguity of what burst packets were actually received on the other end of the link. To do this, it is recommended that a sequence number be implemented as part of the data of each burst packet. The sequence number can be used by the receiving side to decide whether it should accept or ignore data after a burst is resumed. Consider the following situation:

[img size=481]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/Q022B.JPG[/img]

After the packet with Seq 3 fails, the transmitting side re-tries the burst at packet Seq 3. Since the receiving side has already received this packet, it will discard it, ensuring that any state driven behavior is correctly handled. Please note that the sequence number discussed in this answer is not identical to the sequence number required by the ANT protocol for each burst packet.      


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