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ANTDKT3 and low priority searching


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I'm developing ANT+ application with 4 channels - 3 slaves and one master. I need to implement low priority searching for slave channels. But I have only ANTDKT3 development kit. ANTWare and my app show me that ANT11TS33M5IB chip can works with low priority searching. Can I use it corectly for testing this method without AP2?      

Total Posts: 95

Joined 2010-05-03



ANTware II lists the capabilities of the ANT device connected to. Therefore, when you connect ANT11TS33M5IB module to ANTware II check the list of capabilities; under "Available Devices" section in ANTware II window. If "Low Priority Search" feature is included in the capabilities list then this feature is enabled by the connected ANT device and you can use ANTware II to test this feature.