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Linux and USB Stick ANTAP2DK1 Dev Kit


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2011-06-29


Hi all,

I've a ANTAP2DK1 Dev Kit here and I'm working on several different Linux distros. Kernel Versions are all 2.6 and above.

I've a very strange behavior using the USB-Stick ( lsusb = 0FCF:1006 Dynastream Innovations, Inc.) together with the chip AP281M51B.

Just to inform you: Connecting the ANT Chip via ANT I/O Board connected to a Pollin RS232-TTL works perfect with Linux.

So let me describe the issue I've with the USB-Stick. Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction.

- When the stick gets connected, the cp210x driver is loading and the device node /dev/ttyUSBx is created. (tried modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0FCF product=0x1006 too - but that's not working at all)

- If I connect with HTERM, a closed source terminal prog EVERYTHING IS FINE. I can send and receive commands as expected.

- Here's the strange thing: If I use any other terminal prog, no matter if it's minicom, cutecom or some self made prog parts e.g. based on termios I cannot achieve any communication.

- BUT imagine the following. If I start my program and then start HTERM and stop it right afterwards, it somehow activates something and now my program works as expected.

So I wonder what's HTERM doing, or what am I missing?

- So I compared the tty settings by doing a stty -a -F /dev/ttyUSBx while hterm is connected to my own settings. I adjusted everything so that they are similar. No success.

Did anybody have a similar issue and did maybe find a workaround based?

BTW you can reconstruct this issue when using the test_ant.gz example posted by markrages 2 months ago. (USB-Stick + AP281M51B)

Greetings and thank you,

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2011-06-29


Hi All,

solved the issue by using TIOCMGET TIOCMSET of termios to set DTR. Ioctl TIOCMBIS does not work on this machine Ubuntu 10.04. Don't ask me why.

Somehow the DTR seems to be a quite common mistige if you compare e.g. this example in Qt http://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/issues/detail?id=39
