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Data burst and four different documents


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I could use some help on the exact format for getting data burst to work at all but as well as data broadcast would be great.

problem: while sending burst data often the code 0x1F, transmit in progress, is returned no matter how much delay before sending the burst commands within a channel period.
problem: sequence number? to use or not to use?

I have read the three or four documents suggested from AN04, but one concise document including all information would help.


Cy Drollinger      

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



The Transfer In Progress message is returned when a burst (or acknowledged message) is still pending on one of the device's channels, and you try to send another one.

You do have to use the sequence number.

Would you be able to provide some more information? Perhaps ANT logs or the code you are trying to work with?
