Here is what I understand from what you've said so far:
1. You have tested your Android application. It successfully receives SDM information from an ANT+ SDM.
2. You are trying to set up an ANTware II node to simulate an SDM using an AP2 module.
3. You can receive from the SDM using your ANTware II AP2 node configured as a slave.
If I am wrong in any of these assumptions, please correct me.
As I understand it, you receive from the SDM successfully from ANTware II. Then you try to 'simulate' an SDM from ANTware II so that your android app can receive from the ANTware II node.
If that is the case, you need to set your ANTware II node as a master in order to receive any data from it in the Android App. If it is set as a master, you will NOT receive EVENT_RX_SEARCH_TIMEOUT. This only happens on a slave device when the search timeout has been reached without establishing a synchronized channel with the device you are looking for. You will also need to use a non-zero transmission type if your ANTware II is the master node.
Have you tried using the ANT+ simulator to simulate an SDM device, rather than ANTware II? You can find the ANT+ Simulator
Please let me know if I am missing something here.