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problems with ANT+ HRM Demo


Total Posts: 6

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I'm using the ANT + Bluetooth Health and Fitness Aggregator Kit - CC2567-PAN1327.
I tried to run the HR demo which is written in CC2567-PAN1327 Dual Mode ANT & Bluetooth Wiki.( http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC2567-PAN1327_Dual_Mode_ANT_&_Bluetooth_Wiki)
I follow those steps but having a problem with step 7.

The instructions (after i got the code downloaded into the exp430F5438) are:
1.Start the MSP430 Experimenter Board.
2.Enter the Bluetooth Menu.
3.Turn Bluetooth On. The red LED should begin flashing while Bluetooth is turning on and then become solid when initialization is complete.
4.Go to the ANT+ Heart Rate menu and click on ANT: OFF to turn ANT On.
5.Wait 5-6 seconds, the display should change to show ANT: TRACKING and the Heart Rate being sent by the ANT+ Sensor Simulator.
6.Go back to the Bluetooth Menu.
7.Select Start Inquiry and wait for it to complete.
8.Select Connect and connect to the EZ430-RF2560 USB stick. The yellow LED should light up.
9.Select Data Send and enable it. The yellow LED should begin blinking
10.Launch the ANT BT HRM Display from your desktop.
11.Heart Rate data from the Experimenter Board should begin scrolling down the console window.

Steps 1-6 are fine
Step 7 never completes, I get "Inquiring..." then "No Devices Found".

The EZ430-RF2560 is plugged into the Windows machine, and it's drivers are loaded.
I also download and install the MindTree EtherMind™ Bluetooth® Stack and SDK from the link.
(MSPEXP-PAN13XX-SDK-GA: MSP430F5438 EXP Board + PAN13xx Bluetooth SDK GA 1.0 http://www.ti.com/tool/mt-bt-sdk)
When I found out that the problem has not been solved I download EZ430-RF256X-SDK-GA: EZ430-RF256x Bluetooth SDK GA 1.0.

Unfortunately nothing has been change : Step 7 never completes, I get "Inquiring..." then "No Devices Found".

Please help me to solve this problem.

Yaniv Blecherman      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Unfortunately we can only assist with ANT development, any issues with Bluetooth scanning are outside of our scope. Feel free to contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you require more information.

Best regards