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What is a good method of estimating the power consumption of my link?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


The online Power Estimator is a useful tool for estimating the current consumption for different ANT products, serial modes, channel types, message periods, data types and use cases.

For example, consider a setup with an AP1 in byte synchronous serial mode, using EXT32K. If we want to know the current consumption with the device configured as a master, transmitting broadcast data at 8Hz, one hour per day, we could use the online Power Estimator as shown in the image below.

[img size=846]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/PowerCalc_Broadcast-71903792f0431c41a10bd37b9cd383ae.png[/img]

Right click on the image and select "View Image" for a high resolution view of this image.

Our data sheets also contain detailed current consumption figures that will allow you to calculate the lifetime for more complex use cases not considered in the Power Estimator.

For the example above, using the datasheets, we can obtain the total average current consumption as follows:

I_ave = I_Base_EXT32K + 8Hz * I_Msg_TR_ByteSync = 35uA + 8Hz * 26uA/msg = 243uA

As another example, consider the same device, configured as a master at 0.5Hz, and transmitting a burst of 80kbyte of data @ 20kpbs every 15 minutes.

At 20kbps, each burst transmission takes 80kbytes * 8/20kbps = 32 seconds.

The average current consumption of the burst over a 15 minutes interval is
I_ave_burst = (4.9mA * 32 s) / (15 * 60 s) = 174.22uA

And the total average current is

I_ave = I_Base_EXT32K + 0.5Hz * I_Msg_TR_ByteSync + I_ave_burst = 35uA + 0.5Hz * 26uA/msg + 174.22uA = 222.22uA.      


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