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Receiving data from ANTWAREII to microcontroller


Total Posts: 8

Joined 0


Hi Everyone,

I was doing a project in which I created an ANT sensor node with ATmega128L and transmitted the datas from node and received it in ANTWAREII. I have configured as a bidirectional transmit channel. What will be the acknowledgement back from ANTWAREII? and how can I receive it in the node?


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


That depends what message type you use. If you use broadcast messages, there will be no acknowledgement. If you use acknowledged messages, there will be an automatic acknowledgement sent back to the node saying the message was received successfully.

Nothing else will be sent from ANTwareII unless you manually send it.

Is that what you meant?

The various message types are explained in the ANT Message Protocol and Usage document: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/#documents_tab