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Problem with the ANT_NetDll_Demo


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-04-18



I've got an application behavior I can´t understand

If I open the ANT_NetDll_Demo project (or its solution) and execute it, what I get is a perfect running.
But if I only change the project folder name and I add it to the solution, when I run it and I press "start demo" button an exception happens, its translation from spanish may be something like: Trying to load a incorrect format program.

I've just read the topic "ANT USB library for windows problem initializing" but it doesn't seems to be same problem.

Any help??

Thank you very much in advance,


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-04-18


I solved the problem.
I don´t know why, the target cpu changes to "any cpu" instead of stay in "x86"