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Slow Pairing in Frequency Agility


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2013-01-25



I have configured two ANT devices to work in frequency agility mode. It seems that the pairing process takes a long time sometimes. I mean, when I turn the devices on, sometimes the pairing is fast and sometimes really slow (It takes more than 20 seconds) independent of which one (master or slave) is turned on first.

The configuration is simple, the channel period is 4 Hz for both and I am using nRF24AP2. For the slave, I set the high priority search timeout to 0x01 (2.5s) and the low priority search timeout to 0x01 (2.5s). For the master, I set the high priority search timeout to 0x02 (5s) as it is written in the ANT frequency agility data sheet.

Is there any way to reduce the pairing time? Is it supposed to be working like this? Thanks in advance for your help.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Unfortunately, that is one of the trade offs of using frequency agility - there is added latency in the initial acquisition since the slave has to search all three possible frequencies repeatedly until it matches up with the master.