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Steps to Implementing a Profile


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-06-03



I was wondering how I go about implementing a device profile. In the FitSDK, do I just fill out the config.h file with my device's information?

I'm trying to get cadence information from the Garmin GSC-10 straight onto my PC, and have it output to the screen. Since there is already a bike speed and cadence profile, how do I implement this to get the cadence on the screen?

Thanks in advance!

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Hi Equis,

The Speed and Cadence profile does not support file downloading so you do not need to use the FIT SDK.

If you would only like to decode speed/cadence data to the PC, you can use SimulANT+ which you can find on the downloads page. You can use Python scripts to interact with SimulANT+ if you'd like to create custom displays, graphs, etc. These examples can be found in the Scripts folder, particularly under Bike Speed.

If you'd like to develop applications for ANT, please take a look at the "Starting your project" page for more information on how to begin.
