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ANT windows library package


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-06-09



I am doing a student project in which I intend to use ant transciever with msp430g2553 microcontroller. I am using Code Composer Studio to code the microcontroller. I tried using the ANT windows library package available in the downloads page. But I am not succesfull in using the library. I doubt if the library is intended to be used with the code composer studio or only some C editors.

Can the library be compiled and built with the mspgcc compiler or is it only intended for gcc compiler?
Is there any way out to use the libraries for using the transciever with the microcontroller if they cannot be compiled with mspgcc compiler?
Please help me at the earliest and Thanks in advance.      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



The ANT windows library package is intended for windows PC application development with ANT.

For developing on the msp430 with code composer you should refer to the ANT+ Embedded Reference Designs section of the Software Downloads page. (not ANT Embedded Reference Designs, which require IAR)