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Reference Design Demo 5, LED Control, building ANT reference design demo 5 application questions!


Total Posts: 9

Joined 2013-05-02


I'm trying to complete the LED control demo described in section 3.4 of the ANT Reference Design Users Manual.

I have successfully set up the remote master node and now I'm trying to configure the slave device. The only thing that the reference design manual says about this is: "Attach another ANT module to the eZ430 development board and plug into the PC. Build the ANT Ref Design Demo 5 application and load onto the development board."

I am new to RF development, and need more guidance than what the reference design user manual is giving me. I have connected the ANT slave module to the eZ430 development board using a the ANT eZ430 interface board PCB that I had built at sunstone.com, but I need help with the software. My questions:

1. do I use CCS to build the demo, or is there a way to do it using SensRware, ANTware II? Note: I am NOT using the ANT USB board, but the eZ430 USB board to connect to my PC

2. Which files do I load, and does anyone have better step by step instructions for how to build the design demo 5? the ANT reference design files include several files for design demo 5, including: ANT Ref Design Demo 5.dep, .ewp, and .edp. There is also a "ANT reference design.eww", and some different general files like "ANTInterface.c" and "Main_Demo5.c" that I think might be relevant. When I try to debug the .dep and .ewp files on separate projects, I get an error message. ANY HELP building with building the design demo 5 application will be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


1. You have to use the IAR Workbench IDE to build the demo. The free, size-limited license should be sufficient for your application.

Source: http://www.iar.com/en/Service-Center/Downloads/

2. Refer to the resources available from IAR and TI about building and loading projects on to the board.

Example: http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/slau176d/slau176d.pdf
(Refer to the section on flashing the demo using IAR)