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[ANT USBStick2]Slave can not search the Master .


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2014-01-27


I used two ANT USBStick2 for testing with Demo code.

Product: ANT USBStick2
PC: windows7
when two sticks on the same PC, Mater and Slave can TX/RX normally.

But when they worked on different PC(same network), Master open channel successfully,then TX msg. But Slave can not search the master, "Search Timeout" error always occured.

channelID,deviceNum,transType are the same on both Master and Salve sides.

Anybody can help me? thanks in advance.      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Could you check the following channel configuration parameters also match between the master and slave:

- Network Key
- RF Frequency
- Channel Period

Can you describe the physical set up in more detail? How far apart are the two PCs?      

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2014-01-27


usamak - 11 February 2014 01:12 PM
Could you check the following channel configuration parameters also match between the master and slave:

- Network Key
- RF Frequency
- Channel Period

Can you describe the physical set up in more detail? How far apart are the two PCs?

Hi, usamak,
thanks for your reply. As comment I added in another post(http://www.thisisant.com/forum/viewthread/3848/). The issue may be caused by some security software. Since I only changed one of the PCs to the one which without security software,it works fine. But I don't know the reason so far.