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N5 Modules…


Total Posts: 13

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I successfully ran the io-demo application on the new N5 starter kit, using 32-bit Windows 7 pro. I did not have to install the USB driver (uif-win). plugged the USB IF board and my laptop found the necessary driver and installed it.

I tried the same on a 32-bit Windows 8 pro tablet, this time I followed the instructions. However, the USB driver fails to install, though I can see ANT+ Development board under Manage/Devices.

I get

Windows found driver software for your device but has encountered and error...

USB ANT USBXpress Device

The has for the file is not present in the specified catalog file...

Any comments?


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The reason for this error is because the drivers for the interface boards are unsigned, and Windows 8 has some security features built in to disallow unsigned drivers from installing

A possible workaround here