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What is a “manufacturer specific page number”


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-05-31


I'm trying to decide if we need a manufacturer ID or not. The ANT+ page on this topic a says that a disadvantage of using the development ID is: "Manufacturer specific page numbers should not be used because of not being able to uniquely identify the specific manufacturer."

So what is a manufacturer specific page number and why would I need to use one?


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi Kylerecon,

A manufacturer specific page number is a page number in the range 0xF0 - 0xFF. These numbers are used to indicate data pages containing proprietary data defined by the device manufacturer. Some manufacturers use these to transmit debug information, for example.

These pages can be interleaved between the normal device profile specific data pages for most sensors, providing the normal pages continue to be transmitted at a sufficient rate.

Let me know if it would be helpful to discuss,
