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ANT Demo on MAC 10.9.3


Total Posts: 22

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I have compiled the ANT Demo on my Mac 10.9.3. It seems to work and talk to the Ant stick. However, I have set the device to be a slave and was expecting it to receive data from another Ant stick sending data with the Ant simulator on Windows machine. It says the following:

Device number?
Initialization was successful!

M - Print this menu
A - Send Acknowledged message
B - Send Burst message
R - Reset
C - Request Capabilites
V - Request Version
I - Request Channel ID
S - Request Status
U - Request USB Descriptor
D - Toggle Display
Q - Quit

Channel Type? (Master = 0, Slave = 1)
Resetting module...
Setting network key...
Network key set.
Assigning channel...
Channel assigned
Setting Channel ID...
Channel ID set
Setting Radio Frequency...
Radio Frequency set
Opening channel...
Chanel opened
Enabling extended messages...
Extended messages enabled
Search Timeout
Channel Closed
Unassigning channel...
Channel unassigned
Press enter to exit

Disconnecting module...
Demo has completed successfully!
Program ended with exit code: 0

As you can see, there is a search timeout. There are some settings in the demo.cpp file that may have an effect on this. I have set the network key, but have not changed the frequency offset everything is at the default value.

Many thanks for any guidance.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


In order to be able to receive from the simulator, you will need to change the demo to match ALL of the channel parameters to those of the corresponding device profile. Each device profile has a section that lists all the relevant channel parameters (e.g., radio frequency, device type, channel period, etc.).

You can also try using ANTwareII and configure a master channel with channel parameters matching those in the demo.      

Total Posts: 22

Joined 0



Thank you for the information. I do need to add the code to receive data from the simulator. But what I would like to know, is what the program is doing at the moment. It appears to be in search mode and exits with a search timeout. With the simulator sending data nearby, I would expect it to report the presence of the simulator, but it does not do so. What should the program do under these circumstances?

Many thanks,


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


No, the slave will not see the presence of the simulator unless all relevant channel parameters match. You will not be able to "see" transmissions from the simulator until you modify the demo to match all the channel parameters specified in the device profile.