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Total Posts: 13

Joined 2014-07-09


I have my demo lib working with a (1) HR Sensor. Thanks for your help.

I´m moving to the next level...

I Have 1 Usb conected and 1 Sensor (HRM) when i run my DEMO LIB I Receive the data correct from the sensor. if remove it (Sensor) after 10 seconds the program swows....
Rx Fail
Rx Fail
Go To search.....
If I pick up a diferent sensor the sistem goes to search time out.

How can i make if search for different sensors.

How many sensors HRM can I attach to the same Device. only 8?



Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


This goes far beyond the scope of the demo lib code but to answer each of your questions:

Once an ANT slave channel pairs it saves the channel ID of the master channel it paired to. You must re-wild card the channel by setting the channel ID.

A USB stick only has up to 8 logical channels. However, if you did need to go beyond that number, you could implement ANT Scanning Mode which would allow you to "attach" or listen to about 40-50 HRM's simultaneously (it's limited by the UART on the USB stick).

I would strongly recommend reading relevant ANT documentation to learn about ANT and how to use it.
You may start from the ANT Basics page and work your way through the steps. Afterwards I would recommend reading some app notes such as "Device Pairing" and "Continuous Scanning Mode".
