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New Slave device pairing


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2014-08-25


Hello all,

Suppose I have a Heart rate monitor (ANT +) and a display device(slave) which are communicating with each other i.e. slave is showing the data whatever it is getting from the master. Now in between one more slave come into the picture.
So ,at this time how the master device react .do i need to restart the master device ?

Thanks in advance..      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



No changes are necessary smile ANT allows for an unlimited number of slave's to listen to a single master at any time with no manipulation required ("It just works").


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2014-08-25


Hi Harrison ,

Thanks for your previous reply.

But when new device come ,first it should be paired ,as it does not know the Channel id of the Master .so for aquiring Channel id ,slave will set it channel id parameters as WIld Card (Assuming the channel id of the master is not known to the slave). For this it will go in the pairing mode and we know for pairing the pairing bit on both the master and slave should be the same.
If the pairing bit of Master and slave do not match then, how the master and slave will be paired/communicate?

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Pairing bit usage is described in detail in the Device Pairing Application Note, but the pairing bit is only used by the slave channel if the other fields in the channel ID have been wild carded, if no part of the channel ID has been wildcarded then the pairing bit is ignored by the slave channel and it will pair to the master with the same channel ID, pairing bit enabled or not.
