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Ant+ USB-m with LabVIEW


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-08-20


Hello. Has anyone attempted to read sensor info via Ant+ USB into LabVIEW? I have some code that sort of works... regardless of whether I use the Dynastream provided driver or create a VISA driver using VISA Driver Wizard, I get the following errors in the LabVIEW VI "VISA Open":

"The specified VISA resource is not a USB device"
"Error -1073807346 occurred at VISA Open. Possible reasons: The given session or object reference is invalid."

I've tried using both "VISA Defaults" and "Load Configured Settings" for the "access mode" of the resource.

Any insight would be appreciated. LabVIEW code is attached. The main program is "Ahad_Vectorfinalpstruct_JFA" in JFA_Mod\Jamie.


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