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Ant hardware


Total Posts: 8

Joined 2014-05-07


We are ANT adopter and in amiddle of a project for a new equipment (for kids) based on N5 modules.

At the moment i'm testing with N548M4CB with same hand soldered pins.

I'm writing on the forum because I'd like to receive some technical tips that i wasn'rt able to get from Dynastream (no answer in a month...):
1) using N548M8CB, do I need to use soldering balls (0,6mm?) or an ordinary smt stencil and cream is ok?
2) using N548M4CB, which is the best way to solder the module on my PCB? At the moment a 2mm header strip (female) is used but is not practical on production. Is possible SMT



Total Posts: 25

Joined 2012-08-13


Hi MP,

Both N548M8CB and N548M4CB are for surface mount, while you can also easily hand solder the latter (refer to this app note http://www.thisisant.com/resources/an09-ant-module-hand-soldering-guidelines/)

To mount these modules, ordinary SMT stencil and cream should work. We offer a stencil design reference for N548M8CB on the module datasheet. There is no need to solder balls.