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Developer Kit Clarify


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-10-22


Dear all. I have been searching on this site for the developer kit AP2DK1 or C7EK1 so I can register as a developer. But everything is very confusing. Some of the dealers of the list hasn't got the kit, in other pages I can find that these are out of date. Can anyone clarify which is the lastest developer kit version and where to find it online? Thanks a lot      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi aljenadroh,

Were you looking to register your development kit(s) or purchase them?

You can register your development kit(s) on your 'My ANT+' page: http://www.thisisant.com/my-ant/.

The development kits are for different components, the AP2DK1 kit is for the AP2 module based on Nordic's nRF24AP2-8CH chip. The C7EK1 kit is for the C7 module based on TI's CC2571 chip. You can decide which component to use for your application based on the capabilities of these modules listed on the ANT Components page: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/components/.

The newest development kit is the N5DK1 for the newly released N5 module, which is based on Nordic's nRF51 SoC. (http://www.thisisant.com/news/first-dual-protocol-ant-soc-module-maximizes-ease-and-savings/).

The distributors for these development kits can be found here:

A search for the manufacturer: Dynastream Innovations, will return the ANT development kits available from the distributor.


Total Posts: 14

Joined 2012-11-16


Digi-Key shows inventory of both kits.