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Windows 7


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2009-05-26


I am interested in the experiences developers have had with the USB ANT stick and software running on MS Windows 7 (especially the 64-bit version). Our Windows application runs on XP and Vista (32-bit anyway). Out 32-bit software without the ANT DLLs runs on 64-bit Windows 7, but when the support for ANT and its DLLs is added it installs okay but refuses to run. Windows does issue a "ding" sound but nothing else--no error message in particular. When checking compatibility, Windows 7 says the application is incompatible (but does not say why). I will try the XP compatibility mode, but first I have to upgrade beyond the Win7 Home Premium version. Will there be 64-bit DLLs for USB ANT stick support? Needless to say, I am quite frustrated by Win7 (having other bad experiences as well).      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The DLL should work on 64-bit systems, however, we have not tested this on Windows 7. Have you had any luck with the XP compatibility mode? Are you able to compile the DLL on your 64-bit system?      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I have installed ANT USB drivers and ANTWare II on my new pc with Windows 7.
After launching ANTWare_II.exe application the result was a system error...
The conclusion is that this application doesn't run over Windows 7, and this is very upsetting.
Obviously I have tried to run the application in XP SP3 compatible mode, but nothing has changed: the same system error occurs.

I'm developping an application with ANT modules and so this issue completly blocks the developement.
If the staff could tell me how to solve the problem....


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


What error message are you getting?

ANTwareII requires the Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1 to run. We have heard reports from other users of Windows 7 that they have needed to install the correct version of .NET in their system.