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ANT Master interference detection in run-time


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2014-04-18


I understand meaning of search window when ANT channel is opened.
I also understand that slave time slot is long enough to detect any shifts of masters time slot and so can adapt to that.

But I wonder what happens when some other ANT master device comes into a range of another ANT master device and interference occurs (both masters will use by accident same time slots, freq and period).
Has also a master some kind of interference detection mechanism? So he can slightly moving time slot (to be his slave able to move time slot also) outside of time slot of the other master?

I understand that slave in such situation lost connection, timeout pass and will try to reopen channel. But what about master? He will be still sending broadcast even if it's totally interferenced?      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Bi-directional ANT master channels use their receive window's to also perform coexistance, ie. if two masters are interfering or come close to interfering with one another, one will automatically shift timeslots accordingly to prevent interference. There is an animation of this in this presentation showing the process visually (http://youtu.be/rwTcQqrJTpo?t=6m13s).      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2014-04-18


so even master has some kind of search window, great.