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ANT+ Android Emulator Bridge Problems


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2016-02-26


I have four problems with ANT+ Android Emulator Bridge

1. Interpretation of data

I am using a Bike Cadence Sensor. I was checking the Device Profiles Docu to interpret the data. But I don't see the match between the data and docu. I would expect only 8 bytes messages, but there seem to be messages in length between 3 bytes and 16 bytes. So my question: How to analyze this data?

2. Clear Button always greyed out

3. Scrolling of log data not possible

4. Disconnect clears all log data      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


An easy way to look at what is actually being seen by the Android application is to download the service settings app in the SDK and turn on All Logging->Enabled. https://github.com/ant-wireless/ANT-Android-SDKs/blob/master/ANT_Android_SDK/Tools/Android_ANTServiceSettings_2-0-0.apk?raw=true Then refer to the logcat on the emulated device.

As you pointed out, the emulator has some limitations for observing data and isn't the recommended approach.      


Dynastream Developer