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Records without timestamp?


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2016-08-17



the short question is; are FIT activity files valid if records do not have a timestamp or can the timestamp field have a value that makes them invalid?

The longer explanation:
I read section 9 Activity File in FIT File Types Description, Rev 2.1 that "Only required if optional message included" for the timestamp in a record which I read as the record message is optional but if in the file it MUST have a timestamp.

On the other hand we have received user files via Garmin Connect that the library we use cannot parse since it fails for the timestamp in the records. Now I am trying to figure out if we have received faulty files via Garmin Connect(which I doubt) or there is a bug in the library and how the code of the library should be changed.

The FIT-file comes from a Garmin fr910xt which is quite common device.

To investigate this further I took the DecodeExample.java from the SDK and added the following on row 235:
to have it print out timestamps.

I then tested this on the file from the Forerunner but do not get any timestamps. I test the modified DecodeExample.java on another file that works with the library we use and I get timestamps.

This indicates to me that timestamps might be optional or is it that the Forerunner does not follow the protocol? Any insights to this would be much appreciated.      

Total Posts: 44

Joined 2013-04-07


kallep - 16 November 2016 04:05 AM
are FIT activity files valid if records do not have a timestamp or can the timestamp field have a value that makes them invalid?

look for: compressed timestamp
