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How do I write a SensRcore script?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


A SensRcore script is written as a text file, with the desired sequence of commands, one per line. Each command is a sequence of hex couplets, delimited by square brackets, including the command ID and its parameters. All available SensRcore commands and their syntax are documented in the ANT SensRcore Messaging and Usage Document. The ANT commands from the ANT Message Protocol and Usage document can be included in a SensRcore script as well.

The following sample script configures a digital input and sets up an ANT channel to transmit the digital data over the air.

C [91][00][00][40][FF][01][00]  
// Configuring Data Channel 0 on ANT Channel 0 as Digital Input using pin(s) FF reporting on 100.00% of messages
C [42][00][10][00]     // Assign Channel Master on ANT chanel 0 on network 0
C [51][00][31][00][01][05]     // Assign Channel ID 0, Dev. Num = 49, Dev. Type = 1, Trans. Type = 5
C [43][00][00][20]     // Set ANT Channel 0 Message Period to  4.00 Hz
C [45][00][42]     // Set ANT Channel 0 RF Frequency to 2466 MHz
C [4B][00]     // Open ANT chanel 0 

SensRware, available in the development kit (ANT-DKT3), provides a GUI for writing SensRcore scripts through a simple point-and-click interface.      


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