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Unknown FieldDefNum in the record message


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-09-23


Hello everybody,

I have integrated the fit reader from the fit sdk in my application and everything is fine and works. For final tests I ask my friends for some fit files to make sure, that my implementation covers everything.

In principal everything is fine, but I notice some unknown FieldDefNum in the record message. Some files have the FieldDefNum 87, 88 and 90 and the class RecordMesg have no definitions for that values, even not the newest SDK 21.14.

Did anybody knows what fields that are or did I missunderstand something? For your information, the files with the unknown fields are coming from a garmin unit (I guess a sport watch).

Thanks for help, Frank

Total Posts: 68

Joined 0


FIT provides a method to define custom fields that are not included in the SDK that is distributed publicly likely the fields that you do not have definitions for are used for proprietary data.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-09-23


I like the possibility to define own fields, but I didn't expect Garmin to do this and that the FIT file wouldn't tell me what kind of data it is. Garmin is the benchmark and from the logic point of view many third-party software providers want to read Garmin data and now have some data they can't do anything with (like me now). So I will ignore these data.

But thanks for the hint.