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create new field with FitCSVTool.jar


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2019-09-27



I am super new in the .fit world and I am looking to create .fit files from data that I record using a raspberry pi. I figured that the easiest way (as a beginner) would be to use FitCSVTool.jar after formatting the data like the CSV files provided in the SDK. I have been playing with FitCSVTool.jar and the example files provided in the SDK, however I am wondering if it is possible to create a .fit file just from a custom CSV file. Is it possible to add/create new fields, like Field 6: doughnuts_earned and Units6 :doughnuts in the DeveloperData.csv example ?

thanks for your help      

Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


Custom fields are not possible because they would break interoperability, but developer fields provide similar functionality.

Unfortunately FitCSVTool.jar does not currently support developer fields in the CSV to FIT direction. You can follow the DeveloperData.csv example for content, and use one of the SDK supported languages to create your own developer fields. Note: the application id is a unique identifier that is from a list managed independently for each manufacturer (from file id message)

There is also a manufacturer specific message id range that may be of interest to you.



Ian Haigh