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Network Key for multiple Ant+ dongles


Total Posts: 42

Joined 2020-01-26


I want to set up multiple channels on multiple Ant+ dongles on a raspberry pi (e.g. to receive data from 12 heart rate monitors). When I set up an Antnode per usb dongle, I need to pass the serial (address of the dongle) and a network key. I saw, that everywhere the network key *** is used to set up an Antnode.

On https://www.thisisant.com/developer/ant-plus/ant-plus-basics/network-keys it is written:

"The ANT+ network key is 8 hex values and is shown below:

Does this mean, that I have to set up multiple antnodes with the same network key?

Best regards

Total Posts: 42

Joined 2020-01-26


Hi all,
found the answer myself. If I want to use the ANT+ network I have to use the corresponding ANT+ network key. This is not an identification but rather a security messure and access control.

I found the following description in the document ANT Message Protocol and Usage the following paragraph: Network Key
The network key is an 8-byte number that uniquely identifies a network and can provide a measure of security and access control. (...) Only channels with identical valid network keys may communicate with each other. (...)

Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


Redacted ANT+ network key. Please refrain from sharing the network key as this is a violation of the Adopter Agreement.      


Ian Haigh


Total Posts: 42

Joined 2020-01-26


sorry for the inconvenience and thx for redacting the network key.