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acknowleded messages


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2019-09-26



General question about sending an acknowledged message, i have garnered information from the documentation as well as various forum topics but not getting the information i am looking for... currently working with an FE and I'm using C# but i assume the concepts are similar/identical to c++.

I see that ANT_Channel.sendAcknowledgedData() returns an enum defining the result of the call. when i make the call and get a Pass result i understand that it means the receiver received the message. now, for an FE (bike trainer) i also see that if i were to send a target resistance there is a page that can be sent to retrieve the current target power to verify the trainer is configured as expected.

my question is why do i need to verify if i got a Pass result when sending the data in the first place? (i am doing this anyway)

my assumption here is that although a Pass tells us that the trainer did receive the data it may not have successfully processed it. is that correct?

if this is the case then why are the user configuration settings not verifiable? these could easily be wrong as well but no way to verify.


Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


This is an unfortunate hole in the specification around user configuration settings. You are correct that there is typically a way to verify the configuration. This is normally through page requests, however in some cases it is available through page 71 for FE to handle additional complexities. Neither of these is specified for page 55.

In General: Acknowledged messages not being sufficient is typically only an issue in cases with multiple controllers, when new controllers are connecting to an existing configuration and want to maintain parts of the configuration, or when a command cannot always be handled.

For FE User Configuration: Only one controller should be attempting to set the user configuration, should set it fully when initially connecting, and should update the configuration whenever the user makes changes. As far as I am aware there is not a case where the user configuration cannot be applied. Therefore, depending on the ack is relatively safe.

In SimulANT+ page 55 can be requested. Some devices may have copied this behavior and support requests for page 55.



Ian Haigh


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2019-09-26


thank you. i appreciate your response.
