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ant burst always fail while ble connected


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this project is upgraded from 51422, now use 52832, sdk 15.3 and sd332, we encounterd a issue that the ant burst with more than 10k bytes data always fail with EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_FAILED while ble is connected but no data exchange, old mode with 51422 has no this isse, the ant burst with more than 60k data is ok with ble connected.

I used advance burst mode and 24byte package size by set below before channel open
static uint8_t burst_setup[]={ADV_BURST_MODE_ENABLE,ADV_BURST_MODES_MAX_SIZE,0,0,0,0,0,0};
err_code = sd_ant_adv_burst_config_set(burst_setup,sizeof(burst_setup));

the channel frequency is 2479 and period is 8070

the config of ble of 52832 is same as 51422.
the ble connect interva is 300ms, no bonding

I have tried below change and all no useful
1. change ble connection interal to 500ms and 1000ms
2. change NRF_SDH_ANT_BURST_QUEUE_SIZE from 128 to 4096

all those tryings are failed at about 10k data tranfered

another issue I am not sure if it is related,
when I use sd_ant_adv_burst_config_get(1,buffer) to read config before open the channel, it gets data below
03 00 00 00 00 00 00 8A  0C 03  
byte1 is Required advanced burst modes, why is 0?

how possibel to solve this?

Brian qin