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ask about TX power in ANT Tx application


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2023-09-19


HI ANT support team.

I have a question relate to TX power in ANT application:
- ANT Tx application using: ant_broadcast ->Tx
- ANT Rx application using: ant_continuous_scanning_controller
- SDK 17.1, segger embedded studio
- nrf52833 chip set.

We using ANT application connect to sensor. Each 30s sensor wakeup Ant appliction by external interupt and transmit data by call "ant_message_send()" function.

My program running normally. It mean we can see Tx power each 30s.
But observe on power consumtion monitor i see that it seem ANT appliction transmit power each 2s instead 30s.
On my project #define CHAN_PERIOD 65536 (2seconds).

Can we have any function to make ANT Tx only transmit data with customer pre-define time instead maximum 2s?
=> it take so much power if ANT Tx transmit each 2s, and our production cannot running in target time(3-5 year)

Can you help me ASAP, our customer need mass product 500k/year. It is very important with us

You can see in PIC bellow:

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Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-06-03


geometry dash scratch
HI ANT support team.

I have a question relate to TX power in ANT application:
- ANT Tx application using: ant_broadcast ->Tx
- ANT Rx application using: ant_continuous_scanning_controller
- SDK 17.1, segger embedded studio
- nrf52833 chip set.

We using ANT application connect to sensor. Each 30s sensor wakeup Ant appliction by external interupt and transmit data by call "ant_message_send()" function.

My program running normally. It mean we can see Tx power each 30s.
But observe on power consumtion monitor i see that it seem ANT appliction transmit power each 2s instead 30s.
On my project #define CHAN_PERIOD 65536 (2seconds).

Can we have any function to make ANT Tx only transmit data with customer pre-define time instead maximum 2s?
=> it take so much power if ANT Tx transmit each 2s, and our production cannot running in target time(3-5 year)

Can you help me ASAP, our customer need mass product 500k/year. It is very important with us

You can see in PIC bellow:

I think you need to set the channel period to a value that corresponds to that interval. The formula to calculate the channel period value is as follows:

Channel Period = (desired interval in seconds) * 32768 

For a 30-second interval, the channel period value would be:

Channel Period 30 32768 983040 

You should modify the CHAN_PERIOD define in your code to reflect this value:

#define CHAN_PERIOD 983040 

By setting the channel period to the desired value, you can control the transmission interval of your ANT application.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2024-06-09


ANTTienQuang - 21 May 2024 04:34 AM
HI ANT support team.

I have a question relate to TX power in ANT application:
- ANT Tx application using: ant_broadcast ->Tx
- ANT Rx application using: ant_continuous_scanning_controller
- SDK 17.1, segger embedded studio
- nrf52833 chip set.

We using ANT application connect to sensor. Each 30s sensor wakeup Ant appliction by external interupt and transmit data by call "ant_message_send()" function. tiny fishing

My program running normally. It mean we can see Tx power each 30s.
But observe on power consumtion monitor i see that it seem ANT appliction transmit power each 2s instead 30s.
On my project #define CHAN_PERIOD 65536 (2seconds).

Can we have any function to make ANT Tx only transmit data with customer pre-define time instead maximum 2s?
=> it take so much power if ANT Tx transmit each 2s, and our production cannot running in target time(3-5 year)

Can you help me ASAP, our customer need mass product 500k/year. It is very important with us

You can see in PIC bellow:

To manage the power consumption effectively in your ANT application, you need to control the transmission period of your ANT messages. The CHAN_PERIOD you mentioned defines the channel period, and this is what is causing your application to transmit every 2 seconds.

To achieve your goal of transmitting every 30 seconds (or a custom interval), you can use the following approach:

Modify the Channel Period: Adjust the CHAN_PERIOD to a higher value that aligns with your desired transmission interval. However, be aware that the channel period must be within the limits defined by the ANT protocol.

Use a Timer to Control Transmission: Instead of relying solely on the CHAN_PERIOD, you can use a software timer to trigger the ant_message_send() function at your desired interval (e.g., every 30 seconds).