Hi to all...
for a personal non commercial project I am trying to develop a system to acquire multiple ANT+ HRM via nRF24AP2 connected to an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz.
I am trying to use a Arduino library free developed by an internet user. The library is here:
Testing it with a single ANT+ HRM it works fine. I can read the heart rate and display on a lcd panel.
I am trying to implement a searching mechanism to pair multiple ANT+ HRM sensors without success...
My problem is:
1) I can open with success a channel (tipically channel #0) and I can read data from it...
2) I can open with partial success a channel from 1... to 7 (the module nRF24AP2 is 8-channel type)... the partial success is given by the fact that after opening that channels nothig happens... the data does not acquire.
I need to read the Device Serial Number (16bits) and manage it so I can try to establish a connection with other HRM directly.
I need a search and a pair procedure.
Could someone help me? Could someone give me information or code scretch on how to search and obtain the device serial number list and a procedure to pair all available HRM found in the network near my Arduino/nRF24AP2 system?
Thanks to all...