I'm having trouble using the ANT11TS33M5IB module connected to our host MCU via SPI. If I can get a sanity check on the steps to get it up that would be helpful. A broadcast message works in both directions, but an Acknowledged message is always returning EVENT_TX_FAILED. I'm using AntwareII to be the master, and have verified using another computer than AntwareII as the slave to this master works... the problem is definately our software!
Using defaults for everything, except the Device# being changed to 1 for the Master, we initialize the radio on the slave with these steps:
//assign channel
transmitPacket[0]=mirror(0xA5); //SYNC byte
transmitPacket[1]=mirror(0x03); //data bytes
transmitPacket[2]=mirror(0x42); //msg type
transmitPacket[3]=mirror(0x00); //channel number
transmitPacket[4]=mirror(0x00); //channel type
transmitPacket[5]=mirror(0x00); //network number
//set channel id
transmitPacket[0]=mirror(0xA5); //SYNC byte
transmitPacket[1]=mirror(0x05); //data bytes
transmitPacket[2]=mirror(0x51); //msg type
transmitPacket[3]=mirror(0x00); //channel number
transmitPacket[4]=mirror(0x01); //device number_1
transmitPacket[5]=mirror(0x00); //device number_2
transmitPacket[6]=mirror(0x01); //7:pairing, 6:0 device type id
transmitPacket[7]=mirror(0x01); //trans. type
//set channel period
transmitPacket[0]=mirror(0xA5); //SYNC byte
transmitPacket[1]=mirror(0x03); //data bytes
transmitPacket[2]=mirror(0x43); //msg type
transmitPacket[3]=mirror(0x00); //channel number
transmitPacket[4]=mirror(0x00); //messaging period 1
transmitPacket[5]=mirror(0x20); //messaging period 2
//open channel
transmitPacket[0]=mirror(0xA5); //SYNC byte
transmitPacket[1]=mirror(0x01); //data bytes
transmitPacket[2]=mirror(0x4B); //msg type
transmitPacket[3]=mirror(0x00); //channel number
//Activity LED Enable
transmitPacket[0]=mirror(0xA5); //SYNC byte
transmitPacket[1]=mirror(0x02); //data bytes
transmitPacket[2]=mirror(0x68); //LED control
transmitPacket[3]=mirror(0x00); //filler byte
transmitPacket[4]=mirror(0x01); //LED enabled
I'm at loss... the broadcast works both directions, and the master is recieving the acknowledged transmissions, the slave as mentioned (initialized with settings above) is getting EVENT_TX_FAILED for each transmission.