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ANT_DLL.DLL, More then one USB2-Stcks


Total Posts: 6

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I am working to realize a 32 bit Windows application.
Using the ANT_DLL.DLL, it works very well to initialize one Ant USB2 –Stick and communicate as Master with several ANT-Slaves. What I do need is to initialize more than one USB-Sticks in my application, to communicate with 16 or 24 Slaves. In ANT_DLL.DLL I only are able to call Ant_init(UsbDeviceNum) for my USB-Device 0, 1 or 2, not for all at the same time.
Please, do someone has a advice for me, how I can realize my task?

Total Posts: 47

Joined 2010-07-08


The ANT_DLL.DLL does not support multiple connections to USB sticks at one time, so what you are trying to do is not possible.

To accomplish what you are asking, you will need to use either the ANT_LIB directly or use the Managed Library. The ANTWare II source code is a good example of how to use the library to connect to multiple USB sticks at one time.

ANTware II source: