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Blood Pressure on iPhone


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15



I would like to connect a blood pressure monitor with the iPhone.
The SDK uses the Wahoo Fitness API Ver2.0.2.

I can not be paired with the blood pressure monitor.
Please tell me the procedure for receiving data sent from the manometer.

Thank you.      

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02


Please contact the product manufacturer for more information on how to get their BPM to transmit ANT+ data.      

Total Posts: 6

Joined 2010-11-25


Is your problem specific to connecting to the BP Meter using the IPhone (that is, can you successfully transmit data from it using another device - e.g. USB stick + PC)?

If you can't communticate with the device at all, the ANT+ Forums are probably the better place to ask for help. Each of the devices has its very own peculiarities, so including information on which device from which manufacturer you wish to connect to might be useful as well.      

Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


When you're a registered ANT adopter you have access to valuable tools in the ANT adopter's corner of http://www.thisisant.com
E.g. ANTFS-Host and -Client apps for Windows that can
1. simulate a display that receives data from the BPM
2. simulate a BPM sensor
So you:
1. can check if your BPM device is ok, talks ANT+ flawlessly and you understand the pairing procedure
2. have a simulator that you can use for development and testing to peer with your application


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-11-16



This looks like an old thread. If a solution has been found, could you please post it? In my case it is WF Connector 2.3.2, iOS 5.0.1, Wahoo ANT+ adapter and the blood pressure monitor is A&D Medical UA-851ANT. The device and the Wahoo adapter work correctly -- the app supplied by A&D (http://www.andonline.com/medical/products/details.php?catname=&product_num=AnD_Utility_(iOS)) successfully pairs and downloads files. It looks like the WahooDemo app is missing something in the pairing logic -- after successful [WFHardwareConnector requestAntFSDevice] and [WFAntFileManager connectToDevice] calls there are two [WFAntFileManagerDelegate receivedResponse] callbacks, first with ANTFS_RESPONSE_OPEN_PASS, then a few seconds later ANTFS_RESPONSE_SERIAL_FAIL.The devices are placed side-by-side and the connection attempt is within <15 sec after reinserting batteries.

Thank you!

Steve S