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Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


I was looking to move over to using FIT for my internal activity storage in my Android App IpBike. Unfortunatly I did not realise till just now that I am recodring data not curently in the format at the record level. I have incline which is catered for but I also have Rate of climb. This should probobly be sint16 scaled by 1000 in m/s. I could potentialy recreate the data from the time and altitude numbers but my curent methodology is to just store it when using my own file format.

The format is described as extensible but I can not see any details about getting an extension of this sort added.


Total Posts: 296

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Why would you redundantly store a value that can easily be recalculated?
Grade is ascent/distance travelled and both are part of the record message.      

Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


Very true but with real world sensors you need to apply a level of filtering. The data you log may not be the same as you want to use to filter to get your instantanious values.

For grade at least I may want to log altitude based off some pressure sensor source or some filtered gps based source both will require a relativly large altitude difference before you get a stable looking number. The instantanious grade though could come from an acceleroeter based source where you can get a good average over a far shorter timeframe.


Total Posts: 116

Joined 2008-11-21


if you are an ANT+ member you can contact your ANT+ representative to request additional fields.

another option would be to store your information in mfg specific messages.      

Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


Ok for now I will look at doing the climb rate data some other way. I want to be interoperable as I would like my data to be readable by other software.

Unfortunatly things are not looking very promising on this front the only 3 bits of software I have tried which say they read FIT activities all fail with my data although it reads back in for me and gose thought the CVS tool no trouble.

The spec has multiple ways of achiving the same results and I suspect that unless I end up with the same style as the Garmin devices then I will have these troubles. I don't think the Java code is giving me the same style by default which is a pitty as the coding for my own usage has been straight forward and it takes care of all the tricky bits for me.