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sample application for C


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2009-10-12



does there exist a sample application to connect a device to the PC for the language C? On the Dev Kit CD I just found a C++ application, but I can't imagine there is no simple C application.


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2008-11-03



For more examples please log onto the dev zone. There you will find the ANT Windows Library package which contains simple command line PC applications that interface to the ANT library and USB stick. Although these examples are technically written in C++, they make very little use of the object oriented facilities of C++ and should be readily understood by anyone familiar with C. These examples can be built with the free version of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.

If you log on to the ANT+ website, you will also find embedded code examples which were written strictly in C. These are included with each device profile that you download. These examples are targeted to the MSP430F2274 MCU, but are readily portable to other platforms.
