when I was using the MCU's SPI hardware interface to communicate with the ANT single chip, the SCLK and SOUT signal phase were not as described in the document "interfacing with ant general purpose chipsets and modules", and I found that the SOUT signal seemed half circle late than normal phase. If I sample the SOUT at the rising edge of SCLK signal, I will get '0xEF' instead of the synchronous byte '0xA5', but if I sample the data at the second falling edge of SCLK signal, I will get a 7bits binary data 0100101, just 1bit less than '0xA5' (10100101).
I have watch the wave form of the two pin,SCLK and SOUT, and found my guess was right, SOUT was half circle late than normal.I don't know how could it happen.