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Network key and connection parameters for HRM giving timeout


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-10-27


I'm trying to connect to my HRM with USB1 stick, but I always get a timeout EVENT_RX_SEARCH_TIMEOUT (ANTware 2 and DEMO_LIB), although I can connect with Ant+ Display Simulator and ctANT+.

I'm using the connection parameters straight from the ANT Devie Profile HRM specification with my network key set to
#define USER_NETWORK_KEY      {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,}
#define USER_NETWORK_NUM      (0)    

#define USER_MESSAGE_PERIOD (8070)

#define USER_BAUDRATE         (50000)  // USB1 stick
#define USER_RADIOFREQ        (57)

#define USER_ANTCHANNEL       (0)
#define USER_DEVICENUM        (0)
#define USER_DEVICETYPE       (120)
#define USER_TRANSTYPE        (0)
#define USER_CHANNEL_TYPE (0) // USB1 stick acts as slave 
I suppose my network key is wrong.

Where I can find a working network key?      

Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


Did you try to search the forum for "network key". For sure you're not the first who asked that - and there should be plenty of answers.


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-10-27


Yes, I actually did.
In another thread dim314 writes that he found it, but doesn't mention how.

In ANT_AN01_Implementing_a_Receiver_for_Tx_only_ANT_devices document I found that
The sensors and the receiver must have the same
network key. Number 0 is the default public
network key.
Please contact Dynastream for more information
on obtaining private or managed network keys.

Can I use a public key only in my case (USB1 receiving data from HRM)?

I also don't quite understand what "0" means. Does "0" mean
#define USER_NETWORK_KEY      {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,} 

or does it mean
#define USER_NETWORK_KEY      (0) 

Is there any simple complete working C++ demo (like DEMO_LIB) with source that would receive data from HRM?
(By "simple" I do not mean the source of ANT+ Display Simulator)

Can sb help, please?      

Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi cerkk,

If you type 'network key' into the black search box at the top of the page you'll find all the information you need about network keys. (This searches the thisisant website rather than the forum.) The HRM device profile will tell you which network key you need to use.

Kind regards,



Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-10-27


For those who doesn't like wasting time...

To obtain the network key:
- you have to become an ANT+ Adopter (click here)
- download the network key (click here)

But I'm still not sure my DEMO_LIB works with my network key, since I haven't tried it out.
I will keep you posted though

It works with the the ANT+ network key. No problem receiving HRM data now smile

Thanks Kat Kent!