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Korea certification for USBANT-m


Total Posts: 15

Joined 2012-11-16


The Datasheet of the USAANT-m stick states that it is certified for Korea too, but our Korea distributor can't find it.
The only certification found is related to the Garmin distributor and thus can't be used for other distributors due the Korean law.
Can you provide more info about the Korea certification?      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



From the ANT USB-m datasheet, Section 2.7:

"The ANT USB-m has been certified under the Clause 2, Article 58-2 of Radio Wave Act by Korea Communications Commission, Republic of Korea. The certification No. is KCC-CRI-hdk-USBANT-m."

I will get back to you with more information about distributors.