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Development on MAC OSX 10.??


Total Posts: 22

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Hello, I have just puchased a new MAC MINI OSX 10.? for the express purpose of developing an Ant application for MACs. I have downloaded the Ant software which includes a project file for Xcode.

I have opened the project file with Xcode and have found a couple of compile errors which have been detailed in some posts in this forum, so, no problem there. However, when I try to edit the source code, I get a box pop up which says that the file is locked for editing. When I try to unlock the file, I get another pop up box saying that I don't own the files and therefore they cannot be unlocked.

This seems a straight forward permissions problem. However, I do own the project file and I have changed the permissions on the file to 777. The project file itself is a compressed binary file containing the souce code files within it. It is the permissions for these internal files that I need to change.

I have tried dragging a file from the project to the desktop and edit it there, but I get the same permission problem eventhough I own the file and have changed the permissions to 777. If I open the file directly with 'vi' in a terminal, it is a binary file. If I open it with an editor, I get the code but cannot edit it.

On the Mac forum, this problem is identified and a solution was to copy the code inside a file and paste it in a new file and rename it with the original name. I have tried to do this, But I have been foiled by the newly created file going ito the wrong place in the project and not where I want to replace the original file. Once created, the new file cannot be moved to another directory within the project.

I am new to Mac's but I did not expect to get defeated by not being able to edit a file.

Can anyone tell me how I can unlock and edit these source files?

Many thanks.      

Total Posts: 22

Joined 0


Hello again,

I have solved the problem. The header file that I needed to edit was not in the project, but a completely different path startig with /Applications and a long list of directories until it got to the headers. These were all owned by root. a quick change to these made it possible to edit them in Xcode.

I have posted this reply, just in case anyone else comes across this problem.


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi rob2jim,

Thanks for posting this. Congrats on solving it!


Total Posts: 13

Joined 0


rob2jim - 26 May 2014 08:33 AM
Hello again,

I have solved the problem. The header file that I needed to edit was not in the project, but a completely different path startig with /Applications and a long list of directories until it got to the headers. These were all owned by root. a quick change to these made it possible to edit them in Xcode.

I have posted this reply, just in case anyone else comes across this problem.


I wonder which header file you modified. Read only files are meant to be read only. Modifying them would definitely break something. So, the rule of thumb is, to create a new header file, include the orinal file, and add your modifications (additions) there.

Sorry, I had to put my academics hat today;-)

