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Sample source code for N5 modules…


Total Posts: 13

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I'd like to use Nordic's nAN-29 approach to build apps for these modules on my Mac. Anyone worked on this?

Can you release the source code for the IO demo application for the new modules (both the pc and the embedded apps)



Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi Rasit,

The N5 modules use the nRF51 SDK, and you should be able to develop with them following the steps in nAN-29 as long as you use the nRF51 SDK version 5.1.0 and above. Were there any specific problems you were encountering?

The source code for the embedded side of the IO demo app is available in the N5 Starter Kit SDK available for download here: (http://www.thisisant.com/resources/n5-starter-kit-sdk/). You will have to install the N5 Starter Kit SDK over the nRF51 SDK.

The PC demo application source code is currently only available upon request.


Total Posts: 13

Joined 0


Thanks for the note. I'm currently working to setup an eclipse/gcc based development environment on my Mac. I'll then move on to N5 additions. However, I use the zip version of the nRF51 SDK, and I can install it on my Mac, but I cannot do the same for the N5 starter kit SDK. Can you also provide that SDK in zip form, like Nordic's?

Also, would this email serve as a request to send me the PC side source code?



Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Thanks for pointing this out, I will try to upload a zipped folder of the N5 Starter Kit SDK for Mac users sometime this week.